Woahh, just finished singing from red box with parents and friend, CHUN LEH. woooot (: it was simply awesome.
It started out like this.
Went to mv, alone. for awhile.
Then ashton came by, ate with ashton and kenton.
Then saw joe and yiching, arcade awhile, stone, and the sweet couple went for movie, how sweett. haha. (:
After that, headed over to red box, parents are there.
Then something came up, well, that thing made me freakin emo, so dont wanna talk about it.
Lepak-ed in brewball for awhile, then weijin's playing with some pro, then the pro ajak-ed to play pool with him.
And, yeahh. as usual, he lost to meh. woahhh (: !
Then headed back to red box just to stufff lotsa food into my tummy. - the buffet.
Oh and, Ashton was with me, in red box and all lah.
The food there was, absolutely OISHI.neh, go grab some. (:
So tooook lotsa lotsa food and left it there, while waiting for kenton to join us.
And then kenton joined us, ate somee oishi food. then we went to brewball for another session of pool, super lifeless.
Then we went back to red box, at the same time, ashton left mv.
Sang, sang and sang. and we stopped at 3am.
Wellll, while having fun singing, we were actually having a hard time thinking how to spend $1k on just karaoke, wow. it's mostly about food, today. (: sooo, i'm fat. super fat.
While i was on the way home, ofcourse, emo-ing.
Then, the night sky atttracted me. Like seriously, the stars tonight, is really really shiny, and there were lotsa them.
I cant believe i stood there for like 15 mins, just to look at the stars.
They are nice lah k, so spend more time on looking at the stars, and start having the same weird hobbyy like me. hehhh.
WOW, this is like a diary man. hmmm, cool!
Well, overall, i really had fun today. the karaoke, the buffet, the pool. nyah (: good!
And of course, sweeet times with mom and dad. woooot. my mom rawks in singing.
For your information, my singing improved alot, like so much. So, tell me if you want me to sing for you. (: hahahahahaha. and of course, challenge me in pooool!
And, i'm actually cari-pasal-ing with someone right now, hopes she blogs about me, it would be so freakin cooool. (:
Okay, i think that's all for today..