About Me





Emotionally out of control.

Wow, i am going crazy, already.

Life just suck, or was it just mine?

Thanks for being a bitch, i'm starting to like it.

DANG, i need World of Warcraft, perhaps, you can give me World of Warcraft timed card for birthday? (:

Nightsky, Nightsky, i love you.

I need to chill out, a trip to Hawaii would be great.

Exams, are not freaking me out. i Love exams, do you not?

Yes i do, and yes i will. I do love her. <3

I love sleeping, and Dreams loves my sleep, and me.

Where is the love? Neh, there, go catch it.

I love walking home alone every night, if there's like 10 guard posts all the way to my house. (:

I need to listen to more SONGS, i'm starting to get fed up with the songs in my phone.

That's all i can post for today, emptiness strikes, and emoness backstabbed me.

Jason, yoong.