Is talking, waving, saying hi, greeting or whatever to a/the girl you like/love so hard? People says that Love is very complicated. Maybe i just doesnt understand. Confessing to a girl that you like isn't hard, but the hard part is when you're trying to confess to a girl you Love. People might ask, What's Love? Do you really understand Love? Or Have ever Fall in Love with someone before? Maybe it's just me, i have no courage to do all sorts of things above that i've listed. I mean if i'm in that situation, i'll be super nervous or whatsoever they call it.. I might look very calm but i'm just a normal guy that has no courage nor confidence. :[
All sorts of Government exams coming up in just less than 2 months. And luckily i'm Form 4 now, i'm outta it :P Enjoying life but it's bored. sighhh. Hmm what else ! Nothing much. No pics to upload. :D
Dont Look Back :D